Melbourne is known for its many famous markets. However, their popularity has given the Melbourne Market Authority a headache due to increasing safety concerns.
With thousands of shoppers in relatively small spaces, the Melbourne Market Authority recognized the need to restrict forklift speed, especially during trading periods. It was clear that multiple maximum speed zones were required, and these needed to be adjustable by operating period as well. Two-speed zones (indoor and outdoor) and three operating periods (pre-trading, trading, and post-trading) were identified.
A single forklift trial commenced using Speedshield Zone-Based Speed Control with zone definition based on GPS.
Using Speedshield Technologies' web-based Reporting and Control portal, Fleet Online; the MMA can analyze the data and adjust the maximum speeds based on the period.
Upon satisfactory trial completion, the MMA plans to install Speedshield Technologies on all on-site forklifts.